Rolling Stone magazine, Issue 938/939, Dec 25, 2003 – Jan 8, 2004
Special Issue – 2003 Yearbook
Axl Curse: Terminal
Hiring former Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland for a job requiring any more responsibility than, say, leaf-blower operator seems like a risky proposition. Then again, if your boss used to be Axl Rose, who’s to judge? Weiland hooked up with former members of Guns n’ Roses and recorded two songs as the Project. Then he was charged with heroin and cocaine possession after being caught driving around with his lights off. Memo to Slash: What the hell, dude? Did you misplace Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s beeper number?
GN'R was mentioned in a news article about RIAA's latest lawsuits against computer users across USA:
Among the RIAA's recent targets is retiree Ernest Brenot, 79, of Ridgefield, Wash., who wrote in a handwritten note to a federal judge that he does not own a computer nor can he operate one.
Brenot was accused of illegally offering for download 774 songs by artists including Vanilla Ice, U2, Creed, Linkin Park and Guns N' Roses.
Brenot's wife, Dorothy, said she and her husband were stunned by the claims, offended at the suggestion they listened to such music. Brenot was targeted in the previous round of 80 suits the recording organization filed late in October.
The whole article can be read at Yahoo.
GN'R's "Appetite For Destruction" will be battling against Iron Maiden's "The Number Of The Beast" for the title of the world's best rock album. The poll is held by Stockholm's only rock radiostation, Rockklassiker.
Guns'N Roses - Appetite For Destruction VS. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
You can vote here between 11:00-12:00 CET (10:00-11:00 GMT) on Friday. |