Duff posted the following at the Velvet Revolver Forum on November 11:
hey guys...it has been a while since i have written in.
we've spent the last couple of months doing pre-production and finally recording this amazing record that really profiles and highlights everyone's ability to shine while keeping to a real cohesive unit....a fucking real band! Scott has a few songs left to sing and then we start mixing with andy wallace at the beginning of december. i sincerely do appreciate you guys for keeping this forum quite active (yes i do read these posts). i find a lot of these photos pretty damn cool, as i rarely get a chance to see this kind of stuff...keep it coming.
lots of love...duff
According to motor.de, the European versions of the GN'R DVDs have been delayed. The reason is a production error.
Adler's Appetite are scheduled to play the following shows in Italy and Spain:
15th Rome @ Alpheus
16th Milan @ Indian's Saloon
17th Pove Del Grappa @ La Gabbia
18th Brescia @ Buddha Cafe
22nd Madrid @ TBA
23rd Barcelona @ Bikini
24th Bilbao @ Bergara Jam |