Here another GN'R mention from Metal Sludge's 20 QUESTIONS WITH...
This one's with Raging Slab's Greg Strzempka. This is only the GN'R part of the article.
6. You guys did a club tour with Guns N Roses. Tell us about that and what good Axl stories do you have?
During sound check- Axl would make EVERYBODY leave the venue while he did his "vocal check" - ( and I mean everybody...including the rest of his band! )- Being naturally curious---one time we managed to stow away behind some road cases .....When the great man was assured the coast was clear-he was led onto the stage by a couple of "handlers" and after some yelling at the soundman-and checking the positioning of his telepromters-he proceeded to trot around the room with a cordless mic -JUST a-wailing these phony-baloney blues scats- and then began singing "Live and Let Die" ACCAPELLA-! ---We we're finally discovered because we were laughing so hard we almost pissed ourselves....needless to say Axl's people were VERY upset with us .......Anyhow- having us open was Slash's idea...-and He always made damn sure we felt right at home- and thanks to him -It was the only time we didn't run out of Backstage Booze!
--- Read the whole article here: |