Duff wrote a retraction to the news story from last month about Axl never writing any of the music. The original story can be seen here and Duff's retraction, as posted on the VR forum, is as follows:
to all concerned
i will know officially retract a statement made in an interview for the voodoo-fest in new orleans a couple of weeks ago. to paraphrase, i was quoted as saying that axl wrote non of the music for guns n' roses(supposedly in the time that i was in the band). this was an ABSOLUTE mis-quote and i do believe that my past record in doing interviews period, would show me saying something like this as a serious deviation from my normal responses to 'guns' quetions.
axl, and all 'guns' fans, i wholeheartedly apologize and am quite embarassed by this whole episode. i have always looked at the 'glass as half full' when it comes to the amazing things we accomplished, and the amazing songs we wrote as a group. 'my world' is still one of my favorite songs!!!
much respect and love....duff |